May 10, 2023

Wedding Speech Tips

Having to give a speech at a wedding can be incredibly stressful when it comes time for you to be in the spotlight at a speech to the happy couple. Here are some tips to keep the stress levels down and had a crowd-pleasing toast to the newlyweds. 

Wedding Speech Tips

Having to give a speech at a wedding can be incredibly stressful when it comes time for you to be in the spotlight at a speech to the happy couple. Here are some tips to keep the stress levels down and had a crowd-pleasing toast to the newlyweds.  

Keep in Short!  
Everyone has been to a wedding where the speech goes on and on and on and on and on so do not be that person! Keep yours to under 3 minutes, which is more than enough time for people to keep their attention.  

Bring Your drink  
This one seems obvious, but people sometimes forget that to toast to the newlyweds you will need your drink with you so be sure you have it either in your hand or nearby.  

It is Not About You  
While it is important to give a little background on your relationship with the couple keep in mind you are toasting the couple and not your friendship.  

It is ok to have note cards but try to not read verbatim.  
*Tip have any notes on a paper do not read off a phone since it will create a glare and look weird in photos.  

Be Yourself  
If you are funny be funny, if you are sentimental be sentimental. This is a chance for people to see you. Don’t try to be the next big social media star by trying something uncharacteristic of yourself.  

What other tips for you have for the perfect wedding speech? Let us know!